Total war warhammer 2 mortal empires campaign difficulty
Total war warhammer 2 mortal empires campaign difficulty

That's a world apart from dying to trash. Yep, trading inefficiently is how I'd characterize elite infantry too. I did Kroq gar again not long ago and did a saurus only stack and again, it wasn't 'the best', but it was pretty solid (granted, we're talking TK, Skaven, and Orc, which don't have amazing infantry).

total war warhammer 2 mortal empires campaign difficulty

They were nearly wiped out after and my baselines are all skewed, so I don't really know if they should do any better, given how higher tier they are (and I'm pretty sure it was rank 7'ish too). The starting HGE unit took out 3 spearman units at once in a recent battle. I'm running melee heavy stacks on my latest campaign with Hellebron and WE and SoS chew through enemy infantry. Not trash like melee cav either, which are more fairly described as trash than elite melee. Not trash like the proper trash units all factions have. Not as good as archers or art or heroes or monsters, yeah, definitely.

total war warhammer 2 mortal empires campaign difficulty

I'm sure they do in some cases, when the stat matchups with the AI bonuses are particularly awful, and they generally don't perform amazingly, but this idea out there that elite melee dies to trash seems decently exaggerated. At least not so often that the sentiment that elite melee die to trash rings true for me. I only play on vh/vh, have a few thousand hours in, and while I don't really recruit a ton of elite infantry, I don't think I've ever noticed elite melee dying to trash. I see that sort of claim a lot, so I'm not trying to put this on you, rather to just open up conversation on that broader notion. What elite units die to trash on vh battle difficulty? My next campaign I may bump campaign up to Legendary just to push myself a bit more. Just wanted to share in case any one else wanted to try it, or had never considered it. Now I'm fighting epic battles that are close at turn 140 and loving it. Most of my Warhammer fun has been in the early game when battles are close and interesting, and I feel like I'm not alone in that.

total war warhammer 2 mortal empires campaign difficulty

For me I can't win them all, but I just have to strategize where to have my armies, what units will work best against which factions, and if I'm smart I can win the battles. I have to fight the battles because auto resolve isn't often in my favor, but with battles being on Easy they are possible to win.

#Total war warhammer 2 mortal empires campaign difficulty full

I fight at least 1 battle every turn because confederated Orcs and sneaky Clan Eshin continuously send armies from the mountains, full of tough units I've never fought before including Regiments of Reknown (I so rarely see AI armies with these). I had been giving Warhammer a break but that comment got me thinking, so I booted up an Eltharion campaign and went with Very Hard campaign and Easy battles.Įasily the most fun I've had playing the game in my 600 hours. I usually have some fun for 40ish turns, then I get a few good armies and auto resolve my way to boredom and start anew. I have always enjoyed Warhammer as a spectacle, playing on Normal/Normal typically and having a good time. I only saw this comment in passing, and I have no idea what post it was from, but they deserve a ton of credit.

Total war warhammer 2 mortal empires campaign difficulty